Saturday, April 13, 2019

Emerging Opportunities Forums - Early Stage Startup Funding

Come Experience Our 2019 April Emerging Opportunity Forum on Crowdfunding.

All sessions take place at the Carlson School of Management

Crowdfunding is a potentially valuable and multi-faceted tool for many startups. This panel session will look beyond the hype to hear from leaders in the field to discuss opportunities available for entrepreneurs to test market acceptance, create awareness, pre-sell products to fund initial production runs or potentially to raise equity capital.


Gordon Burtsch - Gord is a professor at the Carlson School and an expert in the areas of crowdfunding, crowd-sourcing, social media and word of mouth. His work relies primarily on econometrics and randomized field experiments.

Zach Robins - Zach is an experienced startup attorney who co-founded and was instrumental in leading legislative lobbying efforts that legalized equity crowdfunding in Minnesota.

Jason Drew - Jason is the co-founder of Mogotani Fast, which creates and develops outdoor furniture products. Their 2018 campaign for the world's most compact foldable hammock raised nearly $400,000.

Come learn from our panel about how to navigate this challenging topic. Event is April, 23rd.


This seminar is a program of MIN-Corps, an NSF-funded effort to accelerate technology commercialization at the University of Minnesota. Learn more at